Tag Archives: Dieting

Making Gains in the Off Season -by Maribel Burgos

ImageIt seems as if I have been dieting all year. Well, actually it has only been seven months. I want to make some serious gains for next year! This means that I have to devote the next few months to hard core training in order to be at my best when I step on stage again.

Dieting, reducing calories and incorporating cardio is the key to leaning out and being stage ready. However, I cannot make the necessary gains when I am dieting and doing cardio twice a day as I have been doing. Now that I have increased my calorie intake I can begin to lift heavy again and make the gains that I would like.

I absolutely LOVE MRI’s Hemo Surge. Hemo Surge gives me the intense pump that I need to be able to tackle the heavy workouts. Especially on leg days… those are my toughest work outs!!!! I have to make sure I pack on the size I want on my tiny legs!  🙂

In bikini, it is all about the legs and the glutes, which is why I train them twice a week. Training legs and glutes twice a week is really hard on your body. I use MRI’s RED Repair to help with the rebuilding of muscles.

After all my workouts, especially after a grueling leg work out, I make sure that I feed my muscles with MRI’s ProNOS protein. I always carry it around with me wherever I go!!!

I am extremely motivated and anxious to step on stage once again!!!

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