Legs! Legs! Legs! -by Alison Burgess

ImageI am NOT trying to have bodybuilding legs!  And I am NOT trying to have chicken legs!!  I am trying to have ATHLETIC, bikini-champ leg…and it’s working! :)))

Here is one of my favorite leg workouts, easily done with just two 5lb weights, one in each hand.  Oh, and a timer!

3-deep static lunges:

Right foot forward in the lunge position, free weights held down to each side
Pulse lightly up and down about 25% of the way down for 30 seconds
Then pulse about 50% of the way down (so that your forward leg forms a 90 degree angle at the lowest point in the lunge) for the next 30 seconds
Pulse deeply, going a little deeper than the last 30 seconds and all the way back up, for 30 seconds

Repeat with left leg forward, then repeat the whole thing 3 more times.  It will BURN!

Calf raises:
Stand up completely straight, arms down to each side, holding 5lb weights

Slowly raise up and down on your tip toes for 30 seconds
Then, stay up on your toes and pulse up and down for 60 seconds

Repeat 2 more times.  FIRE!

45 Degree Squats:

Stand in the squat position, both hands on the inside of your legs with your toes facing away about 45 degrees

Pulse lightly 25% of the way down for 30 seconds, driving with your heels and squeezing your glutes at the top
Same for the next 30 seconds, but come down deeper so your legs form a 90 degree angle at the bottom

Final 30 seconds: Deep, full squats – very low, and come all the way up

Repeat 3 more times.

The results I’ve achieved are strong, toned legs without a ton of bulk and zero chicken-ness!

I do this once a week, and once a week, I wish someone would carry me to my car when I’m finished. 🙂  So make sure you truly finish your workout by supplementing with a protein shake (you know I love ProNOS), glutamine, & BCAA’s.

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