Maribel Burgos Preparing for Team Universe

ImageMy competition season started off in April with the 2012 NPC Texas Shredder Classic in Austin, Texas.  I won 1st place in both divisions: Bikini Open and Bikini Masters and the Overall Bikini Championship. The Shredder Classic allowed me to qualify to compete at Team Universe in New Jersey on July 6-7th, which is an IFBB Pro qualifying show.

As of right now I am 7 weeks out. What does that mean? It means it’s time practice my “PRN Swagga”, train, train, train and stay FOCUSED! However, as of this week I am having a little “hiccup”. Living in Texas, this is the worst time of the year for those with severe allergies.

I was on my way home after my second cardio session of the day and I thought I was going to pass out. I could not understand why all of a sudden I was dizzy and nauseous. I assumed it had to do with my lack of carbs that day. Nope!!!! That was not the case! The culprit? Allergies!!! I recall having the same symptoms last year and it was due to an ear infection. Now, it is time to take my medication and do my best to stay focused.

Even with this slight little hiccup my ultimate goal is giving it all at Team Universe. Right now I know my body needs to rest but knowing me… that’s NOT going to happen.  This is definitely the time that MRI’s Red Repair will be my best friend. Red Repair will give my muscles the fuel they need while I sleep like a baby J .

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